Monday, November 29, 2010

Puck off, North Korea!

So, I got to Korea just in time for the hullaballoo that was the missile attack on the South Korean freighter by North Korea. Since then, it has been mostly smooth sailing and I've stopped thinking that all of the loud Korean announcements on the street (usually about sales on fruit) are telling me to seek shelter from a nuke sent to us with love from Kim Jong-Il. However, as of early last week, tensions are high again since the adult baby known as Kim Jong Il decided to open fire on some unsuspecting and undeserving South Korean soldiers. In all, 4 were killed (to my knowledge); 2 soldiers and 2 civilians. How rude, Lil' Kim. Since this most recent incident, the world seems to have gotten a little carried away. And by world, I mean media. As someone currently living in South Korea, I can tell you that the atmosphere is little affected. Yeah, it is a serious matter, and yes, some international attention is merited. Also, I will be checking my e-mail more regularly for potential word form the Canadian Embassy telling me to get the puck out of here. My point is just that, all things considered, it is not that big of a deal. It is by no means the first time something like this has happened and all of my Korean friends assure me that it is of no concern of ours, especially since we are so far south.

I think at this point that the media, especially foreign media, are just as guilty of war-mongering as the "Shining Star of Paektu Mountain." So, for all of those who think that I am dead in South Korea, I am not. Take a load off. Why not indulge in a sip of soju and chuckle at this lighthearted gem.

Disclaimer: I plan on deleting this entry altogether if we get nuked.

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